Your heart rate should not be more than this while doing cardio in the gym, it can be dangerous

Your heart rate should not be more than this while doing cardio in the gym, it can be dangerous

Heart Rate During Cardio : Cardio workout is considered good for health. It keeps the body fit by improving blood circulation. Doing regular cardio increases stamina. However, while doing cardio in the gym or outside, the heart beat becomes very fast. This raises the question that how much heart rate is right while doing cardio and how much can be dangerous. Let’s know the answer to this…

What should be the heart rate while doing cardio

Heart rate increases while doing cardio workout. It is okay for the heart rate to increase up to a certain limit, which later becomes normal, but high heart rate can be dangerous. Experts say that what should be the heart rate while doing cardio in the gym is a very difficult question, because heart rate depends on age, level of physical activities, overall health and medicines.

how to take out maximum heart attack

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), maximum heart rate can range from 50% to 85% while exercising. Maximum heart rate can be obtained by subtracting a person’s age from 220 heart beats per minute. If someone is 30 years old, then his maximum heart rate will be around 220-30 = 190 BPM.

Other ways to measure maximum heart attack

The treadmill test is considered to be the best and most accurate way to check the maximum heart rate of a person. In this, the heart rate is monitored from the chest. Apart from this, you can use Tanaka formula, Gulati formula, smartwatch to check the heart rate.

How to calculate heart rate using Tanaka formula

The formula for maximum heart rate is 208 – (age x 0.7). If someone’s age is 30 years, then it will be 208- (30x 0.7) = 187 bpm.

How to calculate heart rate using Gulati formula

The formula for maximum heart rate is 206-(age x 0.88). If someone’s age is 30 years, then his maximum heart rate is 206-(30x 0.88) = 179.6 bpm

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

Also read: Weight Loss: How much weight should one lose in a month? Are you also making this mistake?

Check out below Health Tools-
Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Calculate The Age Through Age Calculator

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